I finished tiling the public areas of the office Sunday. I still have to do the small bathroom and kitchenette area, then I will begin grouting. It's weird. It hurts and it's hard, but it's such a peaceful job. When I got home Sunday, the kids attacked me when I walked in the door. My husband had taken all the kids to a birthday party (I was proud of him!), and he called just as I was finishing up to ask if we could go to dinner with three other families. I was so tired and dirty, I couldn't imagine it! I said yes, though, and we did have fun.
What was surprising was the lesson I learned about greeting a spouse when he/she returns from work. It's really true what I've heard about them needing 10 minutes to regroup. All I wanted was to change clothes, pour a glass of wine, and nurse little Tiki. I couldn't deal with the kid's requests for apple juice or to help pull their pants up. And I got a different perspective on the late call requesting a dinner date. Of course, tiling is pretty hard work, so I assume it's a little different from a comfortable desk job. But I bet the mental part of it is the same.
I told my husband about my epiphany, and he seemed to light up a little. I know at the same time, he was learning a lesson or two about the spouse who stays home with the three kids! Overall, it was a good lesson for us both.
Great photo! Wow, I am impressed with you doing so much tiling!!! Can't wait to see the final product. How much longer do you think it will take?
Well, we're hoping to be in at the end of the month.
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