I'm a day late, but I'm determined to deliver on a promise to post about something not related to real estate. I do happen to have a cute story about the kids.
S is in kindergarten, and they have to learn a certain number of site words to pass. Not to brag, but my kid is a damn genius! Sorry. He's almost done with all of them for the year, and I'm very proud of him. Our deal is that I take them out for ice cream after school when he passes a new set (they are tested in sets of 10, 200 in all). So, Wednesday, we all went to a local coffee shop. Ice cream for them, Chai latte for mom. It's the first time we've gone there for our ice cream. All three of the boys were SOOOOO good. I felt like I was on a date with the three cutest men in the world. We actually had real conversation. Not just about nickelodeon either. They used their manners and there was no fighting. It was one of those parenting moments that you want to remember forever. There are others that you want to forget immediately, so I really want to treasure this one.
Sometime during the date, S said, "mom, this is a fancy place. I like fancy places." I felt the same way. My days are so full of sweeping, wiping, changing and refereeing that I often forget fancy places and clean clothes. Oh, not that I had on clean clothes. No, I had on sweat pants. Dirty sweat pants. And it was an hour after we got home that I discovered that I had worn my house shoes! Oh well, at least they're uggs.

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