Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"Just Pee it"

BooBoo (2.5) has a new favorite song, Beat It, by his new favorite artist, Michael Jackson. It is really cute, actually. I'll try to get a video of him singing it. We started serious potty training Wed. The first three days were hell because he expected me to give in like I had on all the previous attempts. But this time I didn't!! I stuck with it through all the poop in my bathtub and pee on my chairs. By Friday, we were making some progress, and today is going very well so far. The funny story is from dinner a few nights ago. My husband likes to take songs they like and put different words to them. So our dinner entertainment was "Just Pee it." It was so funny, my 5 year old took it and ran, and now I've had that song in my head for 2 days! Unfortunately, I can't talk him into singing it for the camera. Hopefully it's one of those things we can remember to tease him with one day.

For Memorial Day, we went back to Six Flags. We had so much fun! The boys all handle the long, hot days very well, and everybody gets a great night's sleep! I can't believe the rides CooCoo (5) is willing to ride. Even when he's scared, he won't admit it.

1 comment:

Plan Our Health said...

How cute! I think it's so fun to make up words to tunes we know. Sometimes I do it when I'm clowing around with my husband about something that has "gone wrong" and we laugh about it.