Thursday, February 28, 2008

33 hours till I'm safe!

I feel like I may make it! I'm still being very careful not to "over do" it, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! This time tomorrow, I will almost feel home free. It will be hilarious if I end up delivering the baby really late after being so worried that I'd go too early. I went to the doctor today, and the baby's heartbeat was good. He's still moving around, though that's decreased a lot. I declined an exam so she wouldn't get anything stimulated in there. I haven't done my massages this week, I haven't been on my walks, and I didn't go to yoga. I should have, though, because the last two girls to reach term in my yoga class have gone two weeks late! I guess it's all the pelvic strenghtening, who knows? My 4.5 year old has been really sweet to let me nap when he's been home, and he's trying to be helpful around the house and with his little brother.

I've been glad not to have a showing with the house this week, but my agent called today while I was napping. Another agent wants to show the house tomorrow at 3pm. I think that will be okay. My mom is coming later to clean a little, and I know she will come tomorrow morning too. She's really been helpful this week. I will be so glad Saturday when I can get back to my normal life. If I ever had to go on real bed rest, I would be in trouble.

So, today I'm optimistic. Knock on wood...

1 comment:

Plan Our Health said...

You're almost there! :)

I keep checking your site a couple of times a day now to see if there's any action yet! Keep those fingers (and legs) crossed!