I am so happy to be posting this picture and declaring this project DONE! It was so much work. It took 3 full weekends, plus some extra time painting. Truthfully, I still have to touch up the wall paint above the moulding, but I'm still calling this baby done! And it looks so nice. My husband made the panels just from me describing what I wanted, and he did an even better job than I asked for. The walls are so high in here, about 16 feet I'm guessing, so I couldn't paint the top part myself. He had to do his first ever "cutting in" painting job on one of those straight ladders. We set it at too great an angle, and I watched him fall all the way down. It was so terrifying! He fell right on his belly too, so it's good it wasn't me up there. He got bruised up a little, but he was fine. I think it traumatized me much more than it did him.
Here's a before picture of the room:

I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that all this work pays off and helps us sell this house. I really, really want to be out this summer!!!
Give the Hubs my congratulations (and hearty approval) on his job with the woodwork. It looks absolutely stunning. I would have expected just some trim added onto the wall. What he did is waaay better. I hope it helps sell the house soon!
Meanwhile, I'm DYING to sell. UGh. So frustrating.
Your home is absolutely beautiful and spacious...why in the world are you selling? You and your husband did a lovely job with the wainscotting (sp?) and I think that it adds so much to the room!
Thank you! I hope buyers feel exactly like you do! The problem is that we live in a neighborhood where that is the norm. Big houses with lots of trim and woodwork. That's why we're doing all this work; we are trying to compete with these other houses. I feel like we've gotten ours up to par now, though, which is why I'm ready to list with an agent and get more serious.
We are selling because we've already bought a really big lot (3.6 acres) in another neighborhood that has the amenities we need for raising 3 boys. I want to have woods for them to roam in like I did as a child. But it really is a soft market here right now. I will keep you updated on our progress!
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